Bees, Birds and Mankind
Brochure 1

Bees, Birds and Mankind
Destroying Nature by `Electrosmog´
Ulrich Warnke
Effects of Wireless Communication Technologies
A Brochure Series by the Competence Initiative for the Protection of Humanity, Environment and Democracy
About the Author
The main research areas of Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Warnke, an internationally renowned bioscientist at Saarland University, include biomedicine, environmental medicine, and biophysics. For decades his research interest centered especially on the effects of electromagnetic fields.
About this Brochure
The bioscientist Ulrich Warnke knows the electromagnetic workings of nature better than most. In this brochure, which opens a new science series by independent scientists, medical doctors, and technicians, he shows how nature uses much wisdom and sensitivity in employing electric as well as magnetic fields in the creation of life. But, therefore, he is also in a position to convincingly criticize how foolish and irresponsible we are as we interfere with this delicate natural balance today. According to the findings of this brochure, we are currently in the process of destroying in less than a few decades what nature took to create over millions of years.
The outlook is all the more worrisome because it is not based on hypotheses and probabilities but the work of verifiable and reproducible effect mechanisms. We think that the protective provisions of the German Constitution obligate the responsible elected officials to draw the necessary conclusions. Anybody who still relies on downplaying the risk, the most convenient of all strategies used most frequently to pretend that there were no known serious risks, only signals that short-term economic interests are more important to this person than the future of the coming generations.
Ulrich Warnke summarizes the findings of his brochure as follows:
"Today, unprecedented exposure levels and intensities of magnetic, electric, and electromagnetic fields from numerous wireless technologies interfere with the natural information system and functioning of humans, animals, and plants. The consequences of this development, which have already been predicted by critics for many decades, cannot be ignored anymore. Bees and other insects vanish; birds avoid certain places and become disorientated at others. Humans suffer from functional impairments and diseases. And insofar as the latter are hereditary, they will be passed on to next generations as pre-existing defects"
Prof. Dr. K. Hecht, Dr. med. M. Kern, Prof. Dr. K. Richter, Dr. med. H.-Chr. Scheiner